Our "forever home"

Our "forever home"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bonding and Attachment

Our adoption specialist suggested we take yet ANOTHER course! This one if for fostering bonding and attachment in children. We have been to 1 so far and have 4 more classes. I think it will be interesting. There are couples in the class who have adoptive placements of toddlers and are dealing with major attachment and/or tantrum issues. We've learned so far that no matter the age of the child that gets placed with us, it is highly likely that they will have some sort of bonding or attachment need. Even babies! One of my friends from high school adopted a baby and said that she even had some bonding issues. She sounds like she's doing really well now, though (she's 1 year old).

The teacher is kind of crazy but entertaining. We'll see...


  1. You'll have to teach me some techniques because I have attachment issues. I'm tantruming now that you're gone from school. ;)

  2. I second that - I'm having issues since you have not returned to school. I have some great books if you continue to be interested in attachment and bonding. I learned more about that than the day-to-day of school psychology when I was in graduate school. :)

  3. How are things going? Those attachment/bonding techniques help out a lot...;) Can't wait to see you put it to use :)



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