Our "forever home"

Our "forever home"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

2 more classes plus a make-up class

So Blaine and I decided a long time ago that we wanted to adopt a child. (We've already adopted 2 dogs). The process has seemed somewhat drawn out because we went to an orientation class in September 2008, but due to scheduling and Blaine's night gigs, we couldn't start our 12-week course until March 2010. Yep, 12 weeks of classes. We've learned a lot so far - about ourselves, about the legal process, and about some of the horrific things that kids endure before being available for adoption. I became frustrated after our last class when we heard that severance of parent rights can take up to 18 months. Is there any chance, then, of getting a child under a year? We told our specialist that we would take up to 2 siblings. And she has already told us that she will call us if 3 siblings come up for adoption just to test the water. wow. 3 at once.

Anyway, Blaine and I decided to be proactive about this whole thing and not wait around for a call. Hence the blog. We were told we could put the word out that we want to adopt - and if anyone hears of a child who is in need of a "forever home", then our agency can facilitate the adoption. So....WE WANT TO ADOPT. Any babies out there?

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