This morning on our walk at the park, I told “O” to "walk faster, please" and she said to me, "chill out, mommy". Oh dear. I say that to her (I admit it) and now it has come back to bite me. Well, I did let her know that she can't talk to mommy that way, and made a mental note to try to model better manners with her .
Today has not been the easiest day with her. Some days are just off for her, could be an emotional trigger that we don't know about, could be that she's 3, could be that we're all tired. She's in quiet time and hopefully we can "have a do-over" (as Eva would say) for this afternoon.
Last night she was having a hard time going to sleep (calling out a lot) and I was losing my patience. Blaine was (thankfully) still home and talked to her about being safe in our house. He said that this is HER house, HER room, and we are here to keep her safe. And she said, "and God keeps me safe, too. He's here, too". awe!
I put her baby pictures up in a frame in the hallway. Whenever we look at them with her she likes to be wrapped up like a baby in Blankie and then carried around the house. She becomes very infantile (hands to mouth, pretends to get sleepy, talks baby talk). It's quite a healing process for her.
ok, she hasn't slept at all for quiet time today. Maybe that means she'll go to sleep fast tonight?